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A Weekly email Encouraging Human Progress Through Reason, Faith, Humor, and History.

Ron Baron
Oct 14, 20215 min read
The Coming Thanksgiving Dinner Rumble
What should be a pleasant harmonious family time, Thanksgiving day gatherings often turns into a rhetorical and gastrological rumble....

Ron Baron
Jul 24, 20214 min read
Feral Hogs Next Poster Child of Climate Alarmist
Having broken free from bondage, these critters are tearing up the world and contributing to our destruction according to the climate...

Ron Baron
Jul 3, 20217 min read
Hearing Aids, Drones, and UNSOZIAL
The year is 2039. Facebook and Twitter have been taken over by the UN to preserve global peace and rebranded as UNSOZIAL. The acronym...

Ron Baron
Jun 18, 202110 min read
The Future- If You Dare
Remote control toilets and doorbells with facial recognition. Be afraid. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past...

Ron Baron
May 21, 20215 min read
Modern Church Ladies
The Judgmentalist are everywhere. Back in 1986, some lowly Saturday Night Live costume courtier was asked to procure a laughably modest...

Ron Baron
May 15, 20217 min read
The Year is 2039: Naked as a Hairy Chimp
The following is a serialized novel set in the year 2039. Wayne, the protagonist, is comfortably warehoused in a state owned late-stage...

Ron Baron
May 2, 20217 min read
The year is 2039: Sepia Lives to Bark Again
Part Two of a Dystopian Novel Set in 2039 In Part One, we met Wayne Decker, a very old man kept comfortable at a state retirement...

Ron Baron
Apr 24, 202110 min read
The Year is 2039- Where's the Beef?
In my last email, I hinted at sharing a novel I'm writing. It's not uncommon today to 'serialize' one's writing and offer it over...

Ron Baron
Apr 11, 20214 min read
Memories From a Red Ford Station Wagon
My life started as a snot-nosed kid with curly blond hair riding unbelted in the back seat of my parent's red 1955 Ford station wagon. ...

Ron Baron
Feb 15, 20211 min read
Boomers Taken to the Wood Shed
My notion that the generation of my grandparents, the 'greatest generation' somehow rubbed off making the 'boomer generation' nearly as...

Ron Baron
Jan 30, 20215 min read
In Search of Essential
Have you ever attempted to list all the essential things in your life? All the things that would be difficult to live without? Perhaps,...

Ron Baron
Jan 21, 20214 min read
Things Learned Standing on a Dot
It is difficult to fathom that we’ve been asked to keep one fathom (1 fathom = 6 feet or 1.8 meters) apart for nearly a year already. It...

Ron Baron
Dec 11, 20207 min read
Festus and the Green Hand
Old western movies never show an old western medical clinic. No long hallway with small rooms across from each other and a waiting room...

Ron Baron
Nov 20, 20205 min read
Will Masks go Down as a Debunked 'Wives Tale?'
Just a refresher; sitting too close to the TV will not make you go blind, pulling out a grey hair will not create two new grey hairs,...

Ron Baron
Nov 14, 20207 min read
Freddie Goes to Therapy; the Bloody Snout
Freddie was glum. His owner thought he was depressed and did a quick smartphone search for a doggie shrink. Yes! They exist. He tapped...

Ron Baron
Nov 5, 20205 min read
The Power of Crying Uncle
…and things my uncles taught me. To young boys, uncles tower over you like an old-growth doug fir. And if they were a farmer of which I...

Ron Baron
Oct 27, 20204 min read
The Slow Slide Into Familia Dysphoria
There is a much-used metaphor of a frog in a pot of water that is slowly being warmed on a burner. So imperceptible the water warming...

Ron Baron
Oct 20, 20206 min read
The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894
With the pandemic, and the election, and calls to take a knee or hold up a fist in racial contrition, I hesitate to add to anyone’s...

Ron Baron
Oct 18, 20202 min read
There Are No Ordinary People
With all the fanfare a humble post can muster, I announce the birth of our very first 'podcast.' I named her 'There Are No Ordinary...

Ron Baron
Sep 17, 20206 min read
I Have the Attention Span of a...
…goldfish! Ring the alarm! People who study these things are writing research papers telling of our declining attention span- oh… look...
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